

This module contains the functions necessary to define a rest handler for a route in Stetson/Cowboy This maps pretty much 1-1 onto Although only the handlers that we have needed so far are defined - feel free to send pull requests that add the ones you need


handler :: forall state. InitHandler state -> StetsonHandler Unit state

Create a cowboy REST handler with the provided Init handler and no callbacks defined


allowMissingPost :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Boolean state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a allowMissingPost callback to the provided StetsonHandler


allowedMethods :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult (List HttpMethod) state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add an allowedMethods callback to the provided StetsonHandler


malformedRequest :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Boolean state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add an malformedRequest callback to the provided StetsonHandler


resourceExists :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Boolean state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a resourceExists callback to the provided StetsonHandler


isAuthorized :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Authorized state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add an isAuthorized callback to the provided StetsonHandler


isConflict :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Boolean state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add an isConflict callback to the provided StetsonHandler


contentTypesAccepted :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult (List (Tuple2 String (AcceptHandler state))) state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a contentTypesAccepted callback to the provided StetsonHandler


contentTypesProvided :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult (List (Tuple2 String (ProvideHandler state))) state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a contentTypesProvided callback to the provided StetsonHandler


deleteResource :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Boolean state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a deleteResource callback to the provided StetsonHandler


movedTemporarily :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult MovedResult state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a movedTemporarily callback to the provided StetsonHandler


movedPermanently :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult MovedResult state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a movedPermanently callback to the provided StetsonHandler


serviceAvailable :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Boolean state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a serviceAvailable callback to the provided StetsonHandler


previouslyExisted :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Boolean state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a previouslyExisted callback to the provided StetsonHandler


switchHandler :: forall reply state. CowboyHandler -> Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult reply state)

Switches to a different handler (probably cowboy_loop)


forbidden :: forall msg state. (Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult Boolean state)) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a forbidden callback to the provided StetsonHandler


terminate :: forall msg state. (Foreign -> Req -> state -> Effect Unit) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a terminate callback to the provided StetsonHandler


initResult :: forall state. Req -> state -> Effect (InitResult state)

Create an init response for return from an InitHandler


result :: forall reply state. reply -> Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult reply state)

Create a rest response for return from a rest callback


stop :: forall reply state. Req -> state -> Effect (RestResult reply state)

Create a rest stop response for return from a rest callback


preHook :: forall msg state. (forall state2. String -> Req -> state2 -> Effect Unit) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state


preHook' :: forall msg state. (forall a state2. (String -> (Req -> state2 -> Effect a) -> (Req -> state2 -> Effect a))) -> StetsonHandler msg state -> StetsonHandler msg state

Add a hook in front of every call to a handler
