

This module wraps erlang:monitor in Pinto.MessageRouting so that sensible message structures can be sent back to the monitoring process


monitor :: forall msg process m. HasPid process => MonadEffect m => HasSelf m msg => process -> (MonitorMsg -> msg) -> m (RouterRef MonitorRef)

Given something that has a pid (A GenServer, a Process.. or just a Pid), attach a monitor by using erlang:monitor on the underlying pid, a message will be sent to the current process, lifted into the constructor f provided


monitorTo :: forall msg process target. HasPid process => HasProcess msg target => process -> target -> (MonitorMsg -> msg) -> Effect (RouterRef MonitorRef)

Given something that has a pid (A GenServer, a Process.. or just a Pid), attach a monitor by using erlang:monitor on the underlying pid, a message will be sent to the current process, lifted into the constructor f provided


demonitor :: RouterRef MonitorRef -> Effect Unit

Stops a monitor started with Monitor.monitor, using erlang:demonitor and subject to the same restrictions/caveats


data MonitorMsg

Reference to a monitor, used to stop the monitor once it is started



data MonitorType

The type of monitor this message is being sent on behalf



data MonitorRef

Reference to a monitor, used to stop the monitor once it is started


type MonitorObject = Foreign

This is probably a Pid, but until it is needed it will be Foreign


type MonitorInfo = Foreign

The 'reason' for the monitor being invoked, if this needs unpacking then FFI will need to be written
