

Types and handlers for a cowboy_loop loop handler callback module.


data InitResult t0



initResult :: forall a. a -> Req -> InitResult a


hibernate :: forall a. a -> Req -> InitResult a


data InfoResult t0


type InfoHandler a s = EffectFn3 a Req s (InfoResult s)


continue :: forall a. a -> Req -> InfoResult a

ok response


continueHibernate :: forall a. a -> Req -> InfoResult a

ok, hibernate response


stop :: forall a. a -> Req -> InfoResult a

stop response


type CowboyLoopBehaviour = Behaviour "cowboy_loop"


cowboyLoopBehaviour :: forall a s. { info :: InfoHandler a s, init :: InitHandler a s } -> CowboyLoopBehaviour

A cowboy_loop behaviour. A terminate callback is optional.

Re-exports from Erl.Cowboy.Handlers.Common



data TerminateReason

Reason for a crash. The Reason :: any() is currently discarded




data CrashType

