


class DebugWarning 

Nullary class used to raise a custom warning for the debug functions.



trace :: forall a b. DebugWarning => a -> (Unit -> b) -> b

Log any PureScript value to the console for debugging purposes and then return a value. This will log the value's underlying representation for low-level debugging, so it may be desireable to show the value first.

The return value is thunked so it is not evaluated until after the message has been printed, to preserve a predictable console output.

For example:

doSomething = trace "Hello" \_ -> ... some value or computation ...


traceM :: forall m a. DebugWarning => Monad m => a -> m Unit

Log any PureScript value to the console and return the unit value of the Monad m.


spy :: forall a. DebugWarning => String -> a -> a

Logs any value and returns it, using a "tag" or key value to annotate the traced value. Useful when debugging something in the middle of a expression, as you can insert this into the expression without having to break it up.


spyWith :: forall a b. DebugWarning => String -> (a -> b) -> a -> a

Similar to spy, but allows a function to be passed in to alter the value that will be printed. Useful in cases where the raw printed form of a value is inconvenient to read - for example, when spying on a Set, passing Array.fromFoldable here will print it in a more useful form.
