This module represents supervisor in OTP See also gen_supervisor in the OTP docs (
data ChildShutdownTimeoutStrategy
This maps to brutal | infinity | { timeout, Milliseconds } as per the underlying supervisor API
type ChildSpec childProcess = { childType :: ChildType, id :: String, restartStrategy :: RestartStrategy, shutdownStrategy :: ChildShutdownTimeoutStrategy, start :: Effect (StartLinkResult childProcess) }
The specification of a child process, this maps to ChildSpec in the underlying supervisor API with the difference that none of them are optional.
is the typed pid of the started process (commonly GenServer.ServerPid)
data ChildNotStartedReason childProcess
data StartChildResult childProcess
ChildAlreadyStarted childProcess
ChildFailed Foreign
ChildStarted { info :: Maybe Foreign, pid :: childProcess }
data ErlChildSpec
data RestartStrategy
This maps to transient | permanent | temporary as per the underlying supervisor API
data Strategy
The strategy employed by this supervision tree, this maps to one_for_all | one_for_one | rest_for_one in the underlying supervisor API
Note: simple_one_for_one is deliberately missing, see: Supervisor.SimpleOneForOne
type SupervisorSpec = { childSpecs :: List ErlChildSpec, flags :: Flags }
A complete specification for a supervisor, see Result
in the underlying supervisor API
newtype SupervisorType
spec :: forall childProcess. HasPid childProcess => ChildSpec childProcess -> ErlChildSpec
startLink :: Maybe (RegistryName SupervisorType) -> Effect SupervisorSpec -> Effect (StartLinkResult SupervisorPid)
Given an (optional) name for the supervisor an effect that will be executed within the context of the new supervisor execute that effect to get the specification and start a supervisor with that specification
startChild :: forall childProcess. HasPid childProcess => SupervisorRef -> ChildSpec childProcess -> StartChildResult childProcess
Given a supervisor reference and a child specification start a new child within the context of that supervisor See also supervisor:start_child
terminateChild :: SupervisorRef -> String -> Effect TerminateChildResult
Given a supervisor reference and a child id terminate that given child See also supervisor:terminate_child
deleteChild :: SupervisorRef -> String -> Effect DeleteChildResult
Given a supervisor reference and a child id delete that given child See also supervisor:delete_child
stop :: SupervisorRef -> Effect Unit
A convenience mechanism to stop a supervisor using sys:terminate
maybeChildStarted :: forall childProcess. StartChildResult childProcess -> Maybe childProcess
Converts a StartChildResult into a Maybe returning Just if the child was started and Nothing otherwise
maybeChildRunning :: forall childProcess. StartChildResult childProcess -> Maybe childProcess
Converts a StartChildResult into a Maybe returning Just if the child was started and Just if the child was already running and Nothing otherwise
crashIfChildNotStarted :: forall childProcess. StartChildResult childProcess -> childProcess
crashIfChildNotRunning :: forall childProcess. StartChildResult childProcess -> childProcess
- Attribute
- Control.Alt
- Control.Alternative
- Control.Applicative
- Control.Apply
- Control.Biapplicative
- Control.Biapply
- Control.Bind
- Control.Category
- Control.Comonad
- Control.Comonad.Cofree
- Control.Comonad.Cofree.Class
- Control.Comonad.Env
- Control.Comonad.Env.Class
- Control.Comonad.Env.Trans
- Control.Comonad.Store
- Control.Comonad.Store.Class
- Control.Comonad.Store.Trans
- Control.Comonad.Traced
- Control.Comonad.Traced.Class
- Control.Comonad.Traced.Trans
- Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
- Control.Extend
- Control.Lazy
- Control.Monad
- Control.Monad.Cont
- Control.Monad.Cont.Class
- Control.Monad.Cont.Trans
- Control.Monad.Error.Class
- Control.Monad.Except
- Control.Monad.Except.Trans
- Control.Monad.Free
- Control.Monad.Free.Class
- Control.Monad.Gen
- Control.Monad.Gen.Class
- Control.Monad.Gen.Common
- Control.Monad.Identity.Trans
- Control.Monad.List.Trans
- Control.Monad.Maybe.Trans
- Control.Monad.RWS
- Control.Monad.RWS.Trans
- Control.Monad.Reader
- Control.Monad.Reader.Class
- Control.Monad.Reader.Trans
- Control.Monad.Rec.Class
- Control.Monad.State
- Control.Monad.State.Class
- Control.Monad.State.Trans
- Control.Monad.Trampoline
- Control.Monad.Trans.Class
- Control.Monad.Writer
- Control.Monad.Writer.Class
- Control.Monad.Writer.Trans
- Control.MonadPlus
- Control.MonadZero
- Control.Parallel
- Control.Parallel.Class
- Control.Plus
- Control.Semigroupoid
- ConvertableOptions
- Cowboy.Static
- Data.Align
- Data.Array
- Data.Array.NonEmpty
- Data.Array.NonEmpty.Internal
- Data.Array.Partial
- Data.Bifoldable
- Data.Bifunctor
- Data.Bifunctor.Join
- Data.Bitraversable
- Data.Boolean
- Data.BooleanAlgebra
- Data.Bounded
- Data.Bounded.Generic
- Data.CatList
- Data.CatQueue
- Data.Char
- Data.Char.Gen
- Data.CodePoint.Unicode
- Data.CodePoint.Unicode.Internal
- Data.CodePoint.Unicode.Internal.Casing
- Data.CommutativeRing
- Data.Compactable
- Data.Comparison
- Data.Const
- Data.Coyoneda
- Data.Date
- Data.Date.Component
- Data.Date.Component.Gen
- Data.Date.Gen
- Data.DateTime
- Data.DateTime.Gen
- Data.DateTime.Instant
- Data.DateTime.Parsing
- Data.Decidable
- Data.Decide
- Data.Distributive
- Data.Divide
- Data.Divisible
- Data.DivisionRing
- Data.Either
- Data.Either.Inject
- Data.Either.Nested
- Data.Enum
- Data.Enum.Gen
- Data.Enum.Generic
- Data.Eq
- Data.Eq.Generic
- Data.Equivalence
- Data.EuclideanRing
- Data.Exists
- Data.Field
- Data.Filterable
- Data.FingerTree
- Data.FingerTree.Digit
- Data.Foldable
- Data.FoldableWithIndex
- Data.Formatter.DateTime
- Data.Formatter.Internal
- Data.Formatter.Interval
- Data.Formatter.Number
- Data.Formatter.Parser.Interval
- Data.Formatter.Parser.Number
- Data.Formatter.Parser.Utils
- Data.Function
- Data.Function.Uncurried
- Data.Functor
- Data.Functor.App
- Data.Functor.Clown
- Data.Functor.Compose
- Data.Functor.Contravariant
- Data.Functor.Coproduct
- Data.Functor.Coproduct.Inject
- Data.Functor.Coproduct.Nested
- Data.Functor.Costar
- Data.Functor.Flip
- Data.Functor.Invariant
- Data.Functor.Joker
- Data.Functor.Product
- Data.Functor.Product.Nested
- Data.Functor.Product2
- Data.Functor.Variant
- Data.FunctorWithIndex
- Data.Generic.Rep
- Data.Graph
- Data.HeytingAlgebra
- Data.HeytingAlgebra.Generic
- Data.Identity
- Data.Int
- Data.Int.Bits
- Data.Interval
- Data.Interval.Duration
- Data.Interval.Duration.Iso
- Data.Lazy
- Data.Lens
- Data.Lens.AffineTraversal
- Data.Lens.At
- Data.Lens.Common
- Data.Lens.Fold
- Data.Lens.Fold.Partial
- Data.Lens.Getter
- Data.Lens.Grate
- Data.Lens.Index
- Data.Lens.Indexed
- Data.Lens.Internal.Bazaar
- Data.Lens.Internal.Exchange
- Data.Lens.Internal.Focusing
- Data.Lens.Internal.Forget
- Data.Lens.Internal.Grating
- Data.Lens.Internal.Indexed
- Data.Lens.Internal.Market
- Data.Lens.Internal.Re
- Data.Lens.Internal.Shop
- Data.Lens.Internal.Stall
- Data.Lens.Internal.Tagged
- Data.Lens.Internal.Wander
- Data.Lens.Internal.Zipping
- Data.Lens.Iso
- Data.Lens.Iso.Newtype
- Data.Lens.Lens
- Data.Lens.Lens.Product
- Data.Lens.Lens.Tuple
- Data.Lens.Lens.Unit
- Data.Lens.Lens.Void
- Data.Lens.Prism
- Data.Lens.Prism.Coproduct
- Data.Lens.Prism.Either
- Data.Lens.Prism.Maybe
- Data.Lens.Record
- Data.Lens.Setter
- Data.Lens.Traversal
- Data.Lens.Types
- Data.Lens.Zoom
- Data.List
- Data.List.Internal
- Data.List.Lazy
- Data.List.Lazy.NonEmpty
- Data.List.Lazy.Types
- Data.List.NonEmpty
- Data.List.Partial
- Data.List.Types
- Data.List.ZipList
- Data.Map
- Data.Map.Gen
- Data.Map.Internal
- Data.Maybe
- Data.Maybe.First
- Data.Maybe.Last
- Data.MediaType
- Data.MediaType.Common
- Data.Monoid
- Data.Monoid.Additive
- Data.Monoid.Alternate
- Data.Monoid.Conj
- Data.Monoid.Disj
- Data.Monoid.Dual
- Data.Monoid.Endo
- Data.Monoid.Generic
- Data.Monoid.Multiplicative
- Data.NaturalTransformation
- Data.Newtype
- Data.NonEmpty
- Data.Nullable
- Data.Number
- Data.Number.Approximate
- Data.Number.Format
- Data.Op
- Data.Ord
- Data.Ord.Down
- Data.Ord.Generic
- Data.Ord.Max
- Data.Ord.Min
- Data.Ordering
- Data.Predicate
- Data.Profunctor
- Data.Profunctor.Choice
- Data.Profunctor.Closed
- Data.Profunctor.Cochoice
- Data.Profunctor.Costrong
- Data.Profunctor.Join
- Data.Profunctor.Split
- Data.Profunctor.Star
- Data.Profunctor.Strong
- Data.Ratio
- Data.Rational
- Data.Ring
- Data.Ring.Generic
- Data.Semigroup
- Data.Semigroup.First
- Data.Semigroup.Foldable
- Data.Semigroup.Generic
- Data.Semigroup.Last
- Data.Semigroup.Traversable
- Data.Semiring
- Data.Semiring.Free
- Data.Semiring.Generic
- Data.Sequence
- Data.Sequence.Internal
- Data.Sequence.NonEmpty
- Data.Sequence.Ordered
- Data.Set
- Data.Set.NonEmpty
- Data.Show
- Data.Show.Generic
- Data.String
- Data.String.CaseInsensitive
- Data.String.CodePoints
- Data.String.CodeUnits
- Data.String.Common
- Data.String.Gen
- Data.String.NonEmpty
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CaseInsensitive
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CodePoints
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CodeUnits
- Data.String.NonEmpty.Internal
- Data.String.Pattern
- Data.String.Regex
- Data.String.Regex.Flags
- Data.String.Regex.Unsafe
- Data.String.Unicode
- Data.String.Unsafe
- Data.Symbol
- Data.These
- Data.These.Gen
- Data.Time
- Data.Time.Component
- Data.Time.Component.Gen
- Data.Time.Duration
- Data.Time.Duration.Gen
- Data.Time.Gen
- Data.Traversable
- Data.Traversable.Accum
- Data.Traversable.Accum.Internal
- Data.TraversableWithIndex
- Data.Tuple
- Data.Tuple.Nested
- Data.Undefinable
- Data.Unfoldable
- Data.Unfoldable1
- Data.Unit
- Data.Validation.Semigroup
- Data.Validation.Semiring
- Data.Variant
- Data.Variant.Internal
- Data.Void
- Data.Witherable
- Data.Yoneda
- Debug
- Effect
- Effect.Class
- Effect.Class.Console
- Effect.Console
- Effect.Exception
- Effect.Exception.Unsafe
- Effect.Random
- Effect.Ref
- Effect.Uncurried
- Effect.Unsafe
- Erl.Atom
- Erl.Atom.Symbol
- Erl.Cowboy
- Erl.Cowboy.Handler
- Erl.Cowboy.Handlers.Common
- Erl.Cowboy.Handlers.Loop
- Erl.Cowboy.Handlers.Rest
- Erl.Cowboy.Handlers.Simple
- Erl.Cowboy.Handlers.WebSocket
- Erl.Cowboy.Req
- Erl.Cowboy.Req.Monad
- Erl.Cowboy.Routes
- Erl.Data.Binary
- Erl.Data.Binary.IOData
- Erl.Data.Binary.IOList
- Erl.Data.Binary.Type
- Erl.Data.Binary.UTF16
- Erl.Data.Binary.UTF32
- Erl.Data.Binary.UTF8
- Erl.Data.Bitstring
- Erl.Data.Bitstring.Type
- Erl.Data.Jsone
- Erl.Data.Jsone.Decode
- Erl.Data.Jsone.Decode.Class
- Erl.Data.Jsone.Decode.Combinators
- Erl.Data.Jsone.Encode
- Erl.Data.Jsone.Encode.Class
- Erl.Data.Jsone.Encode.Combinators
- Erl.Data.Jsone.Parser
- Erl.Data.Jsone.Printer
- Erl.Data.List
- Erl.Data.List.NonEmpty
- Erl.Data.List.Types
- Erl.Data.Map
- Erl.Data.Queue
- Erl.Data.Queue.Types
- Erl.Data.Tuple
- Erl.File
- Erl.FileLib
- Erl.Gun
- Erl.Gun.WsGun
- Erl.Kernel.Application
- Erl.Kernel.Erlang
- Erl.Kernel.Ets
- Erl.Kernel.Exceptions
- Erl.Kernel.File
- Erl.Kernel.Inet
- Erl.Kernel.Os
- Erl.Kernel.Tcp
- Erl.Kernel.Time
- Erl.Kernel.Udp
- Erl.ModuleName
- Erl.ModuleName.Symbol
- Erl.Otp.Types.Crypto
- Erl.Otp.Types.PublicKey
- Erl.Otp.Types.Stdlib
- Erl.Process
- Erl.Process.Raw
- Erl.Ranch
- Erl.Ranch.Transport
- Erl.Ssl
- Erl.StandardResult
- Erl.Test.EUnit
- Erl.Tests.EUnit.Discovery
- Erl.Types
- Erl.Untagged.Union
- ExpectInferred
- Foreign
- Foreign.Index
- Foreign.Keys
- Heterogeneous.Folding
- Heterogeneous.Mapping
- Lager
- Logger
- Math
- NativeRef
- OpenTelemetry
- OpenTelemetry.Metrics
- OpenTelemetry.Metrics.Counter
- OpenTelemetry.Metrics.Meter
- OpenTelemetry.Metrics.SumObserver
- OpenTelemetry.Metrics.UpDownCounter
- OpenTelemetry.Metrics.UpDownSumObserver
- OpenTelemetry.Metrics.ValueObserver
- OpenTelemetry.Metrics.ValueRecorder
- OpenTelemetry.Tracing
- OpenTelemetry.Tracing.Baggage
- OpenTelemetry.Tracing.Ctx
- OpenTelemetry.Tracing.Propagator.TextMap
- OpenTelemetry.Tracing.Span
- OpenTelemetry.Tracing.Tracer
- PSCI.Support
- Partial
- Partial.Unsafe
- Pathy
- Pathy.Gen
- Pathy.Name
- Pathy.Parser
- Pathy.Path
- Pathy.Phantom
- Pathy.Printer
- Pathy.Sandboxed
- Pinto
- Pinto.App
- Pinto.GenServer
- Pinto.GenStatem
- Pinto.MessageRouting
- Pinto.ModuleNames
- Pinto.Monitor
- Pinto.Supervisor
- Pinto.Supervisor.SimpleOneForOne
- Pinto.Timer
- Pinto.Types
- Prelude
- Prim
- Prim.Boolean
- Prim.Coerce
- Prim.Int
- Prim.Ordering
- Prim.Row
- Prim.RowList
- Prim.Symbol
- Prim.TypeError
- PureScript.Metadata
- Random.LCG
- Record
- Record.Builder
- Record.Prefix
- Record.Unsafe
- Record.Unsafe.Union
- Routing.Duplex
- Routing.Duplex.Generic
- Routing.Duplex.Generic.Syntax
- Routing.Duplex.Parser
- Routing.Duplex.Printer
- Routing.Duplex.Types
- RoutingDuplexMiddleware
- Safe.Coerce
- Simple.JSON
- Simple.JSON.Generics
- Simple.JSON.Generics.EnumSumRep
- Simple.JSON.Generics.TaggedSumRep
- Simple.JSON.Generics.UntaggedProductRep
- Simple.JSON.Generics.UntaggedSumRep
- SimpleBus
- Stetson
- Stetson.HandlerProxy
- Stetson.Loop
- Stetson.ModuleNames
- Stetson.Rest
- Stetson.Routing
- Stetson.Types
- Stetson.Utils
- Stetson.WebSocket
- Test.Assert
- Test.QuickCheck
- Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
- Test.QuickCheck.Gen
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Align
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Alignable
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Alt
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Alternative
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Applicative
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Apply
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Bind
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Category
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Comonad
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Crosswalk
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Extend
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Monad
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.MonadPlus
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.MonadZero
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Plus
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Semigroupoid
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.BooleanAlgebra
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Bounded
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.BoundedEnum
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.CommutativeRing
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.DivisionRing
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Eq
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.EuclideanRing
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Field
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Foldable
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Functor
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.FunctorWithIndex
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.HeytingAlgebra
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Monoid
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Ord
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Ring
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Semigroup
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Semiring
- Text.Parsing.Indent
- Text.Parsing.Parser
- Text.Parsing.Parser.Combinators
- Text.Parsing.Parser.Expr
- Text.Parsing.Parser.Language
- Text.Parsing.Parser.Pos
- Text.Parsing.Parser.String
- Text.Parsing.Parser.Token
- Tracing.Attributes
- Type.Data.Boolean
- Type.Data.Ordering
- Type.Data.Row
- Type.Data.RowList
- Type.Data.Symbol
- Type.Equality
- Type.Function
- Type.Prelude
- Type.Proxy
- Type.Row
- Type.Row.Homogeneous
- Type.RowList
- URI.AbsoluteURI
- URI.Authority
- URI.Common
- URI.Extra.MultiHostPortPair
- URI.Extra.QueryPairs
- URI.Extra.UserPassInfo
- URI.Fragment
- URI.HierarchicalPart
- URI.Host
- URI.Host.Gen
- URI.Host.IPv4Address
- URI.Host.IPv6Address
- URI.Host.RegName
- URI.HostPortPair
- URI.HostPortPair.Gen
- URI.Path
- URI.Path.Absolute
- URI.Path.NoScheme
- URI.Path.Rootless
- URI.Path.Segment
- URI.Port
- URI.Port.Gen
- URI.Query
- URI.RelativePart
- URI.RelativeRef
- URI.Scheme
- URI.Scheme.Common
- URI.UserInfo
- Unsafe.Coerce
- Unsafe.Reference