

The base Pinto module re-exports most of the library's useful types and thats about it


isRegistered :: forall serverType. RegistryName serverType -> Effect Boolean

Checks if a particular process name is registered using 'whereis_name'

  • serverType can be anything, but most likely it'll be GenServer.ServerType or GenStatem.ServerType

Re-exports from Pinto.Types


type StartLinkResult serverProcess = Either (NotStartedReason serverProcess) serverProcess


data RegistryReference serverPid serverType

A means of looking up a typed process (such as a GenServer) that may or may not be registered

This is typically used by the APIs provided to gain access to the ability to invoke code within the context of a started server (ByName serverName) \_from a...



data RegistryName serverType

The name of a registered process, these map to {local, Name} {global, GlobalName} {via, Module, ViaName} as per the docs for gen_server:start_link and similar



data NotStartedReason serverProcess





maybeStarted :: forall serverProcess. StartLinkResult serverProcess -> Maybe serverProcess


maybeRunning :: forall serverProcess. StartLinkResult serverProcess -> Maybe serverProcess


crashIfNotStarted :: forall serverProcess. StartLinkResult serverProcess -> serverProcess


crashIfNotRunning :: forall serverProcess. StartLinkResult serverProcess -> serverProcess
